What are the raw materials used in the production of chips? What are the important raw materials for chips?

Chips, also known as integrated circuits and microchips, are the core of modern electronic equipment. Chips are used in a wide range of applications, from small electronic devices such as computers and mobile phones to military, transport and defence, and can be found everywhere in our daily lives. It is not easy to produce such small but powerful electronic devices, because the production process of chips is very complex. The main stages of production are chip design, wafer manufacturing, chip fabrication and packaging and testing. The raw materials used in the manufacturing process of chips are also important. What are the important raw materials for chips? Why not take a look at it!
As we all know, in the current chip market, more than 95% are silicon-based chips. Silicon based chips are manufactured from silicon wafers, so silicon wafers are one of the most important materials used in the production of chips. The raw material for silicon wafers is sand. If you want to turn sand into silicon wafers, then you need to go through several processes, such as purification, dissolution, cutting, grinding, polishing and cleaning. However, not all sand can be used as a raw material for chips, it is precisely quartz sand that can be purified and then made into wafers.
Although quartz sand is technically sand, there is still a very big difference between the two. After all, there is no wafer fab on the market today that will directly purchase sand to process into finished products, but will generally purchase processed silicon wafers. In our daily lives more common river sand, sea sand, etc., as well as secondary processing of sand and desert sand inside, in fact, they are not the raw material for manufacturing chips, these sands are only suitable for use in the general construction industry. After all, the purity of the sand monocrystalline silicon required for the manufacture of chips is very high, and generally only high purity quartz sand is capable of doing so.
The main component in quartz sand is silica, which is one of the most essential raw materials in the chip manufacturing process, so it needs to be extracted from the sand first. Although sand may seem unobtrusive, it is one of the most important raw materials in the chip manufacturing process. From the extraction of silicon to the production of wafers, the manufacture of chips and packaging, sand is required.
In short, the raw material for the production of chips is sand, which needs to be purified from the silicon dioxide to turn it into monocrystalline silicon.